Paul Garber / WFDD
700 workers in Carolina lost their jobs last month when a furniture factory closed, part of a growing trend. (This story first aired on All Things Considered on September 28, 2023.)
700 workers in Taylorsville, North Carolina suddenly lost their jobs last month when a furniture factory closed. It's not the only furniture factory loss for a state once known for its craftsmanship.
Several high-tech companies have announced they’re expanding in the region known as the Carolina Core, which stretches from the Triad southeast through the middle of the state to Fayetteville.
Oxytocin is a naturally-occurring neurotransmitter involved in childbirth and is commonly given to induce labor.
Douglas Strader was terminated from the Greensboro police department in 2020 after he fired his gun at a fleeing vehicle.
Sofrito Latin Innovation Kitchen is one of the restaurants taking part in Folk A’Fare, which will feature other cuisines from around the world that are served in the Greensboro area.
Reuters reports that the GOP official, William Keith Senter, was looking for evidence to support debunked theories that the 2020 election was rigged against former President Donald Trump.