A Duke-led research team has identified a blood-based biomarker to diagnose Parkinson’s disease, which may lead to earlier disease detection.
Researchers created a metallic gel for 3D printing that can conduct electricity.
Our olfactory system helps us survive, alerting us to burning things and rotting food. It’s also directly connected to our emotions and memories. Why is it still one of our most undervalued senses?
If you had to guess the top five largest invasive species in the world, where would you start? And why, exactly, are we moving these behemoths around the globe?
The broad-acting snakebite treatment is in clinical trials at Duke University and around the world.
Semi-autonomous robots communicating with flashes of infrared light could be used to locate victims after a natural disaster.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be sequentially aligned and visible at dawn throughout June. The last time this happened was in 2004.
Oxytocin is a naturally-occurring neurotransmitter involved in childbirth and is commonly given to induce labor.
A team of University of North Carolina Wilmington researchers is in Antarctica studying the effects of climate change on crabeater seals — the most populous marine mammals in the world. WHQR caught up with them before they embarked on their trip.
"We finally have the first look at our Milky Way black hole, Sagittarius A*," an international team of astrophysicists and researchers from the Event Horizon Telescope team said.