Joe Jurney
Temp PM Digital Producer-
No suspicious items were found during a thorough search of all of the colleges' campuses.
Since May, there have been 156 cases identified in the U.S. Worldwide, there have been 3,308 cases. There have been no deaths related to this outbreak.
Paper grocery bags will continue to be available for a five-cent charge per-bag. The amount collected from the charge will be donated to each store’s local food bank.
In all, 7 states were holding primaries Tuesday.
Seven of the sites are in central North Carolina and the other is in the western part of the state.
Ruth Whitehead Whaley was the first Black woman to study at the Fordham University School of Law and to receive a degree from there.
What was initially more than 34,000 submissions for the panel to consider got whittled down to 3,670 to a final list of 87 potential names for the nine installations.
Fourteen cases in 12 states have been identified.
The Pfizer booster is the only brand currently available to children in this age range.
Best Places To Live rankings were based on quality of life and the job market in each metro area, as well as the value of living there and people's desire to live there.